Nicholas Asoyong

Nicholas Asoyong


Research Coordinator, School of Graduate Studies

Staff E-mail Address

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Welcome to the School of Graduate Studies. Our main role is to provide all the necessary support to our students so that they can excel in their research ventures and post-graduate studies. Our doors are always open for consultation on any research-related matters.

KCA University uses the originality checker (Turnitin) software licence which allows students to subject their work to a similarity index check before publishing and ensure that it conforms to the University’s anti-plagiarism policy set levels. All research works which are submitted to the School of Graduate Studies are subjected to a Similarity index check before they are dispatched out for examination. This ensures adherence to acceptable levels of originality as per the University’s anti-plagiarism policy.

In addition to originality check, the school also prides itself in having an established office of the Copy Editor to ensure the high quality of students’ dissertations with respect to editing and formatting.

The School also provides students with the most current Data Analysis software mainly STATA and SPSS software to assist students in data analysis.

Our motto at KCAU School of Graduate Studies is ‘’Good quality education is informed by high-quality research.’’

Nicholas Asoyong
Nicholas Asoyong